Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sis phone call

I just got off the phone with my sis and we talked about a bunch of stuff but mostly it was centered on work and stress and she said she was told today that "vengence is His". And I so go it! Sometimes you really have to sit back and let people look stupid. Kill people with kindness because as soon as you stoop down to their level or ignornace and inconsideration you let them have power over you which leads to a stress that you have the ability to avoid. We are all never above the fall. Meaning there will be so many times in our lives where we will mess up and do the wrong thing, but these are our lessons and its what makes us who we are. When we see others making their own mistakes, its is not our job to push them down even deeper or join in making the situation even more miserable. Sometimes we gotta step back and let God take it because that stress we don't need. Yes, sometimes it is hard to let it go because our pride and ego is what stands in the way but your pride and ego stands no match to that of God whose power overrules all things. I have always known to have faith in Him, but this conversation with my sister again reinforced this and the lesson could not have come at a more operative time. I have some decisions to make and which ever way I go I have to have faith that God will provide.

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