Tuesday, January 17, 2012

No meat lunch :)

I haven't cooked in a while and I love to cook! I've just been hella busy with work and unfortunately I was subdued by the eating out way more than I should have been. But I've made some changes in my working life and one thing I wanted to get back to first was cooking. So after a trip to the Fresh Market with my sis and watching that Sarah lady's PBS cooking show on making one meal a week a vegetarian one (btw pbs cooking shows are awesome) I was inspired to make..da da da da... mini veggie pizza or it could be an open face sandwich of sorts made with toasted naan, a good spread of a tablespoon or more of store brought orginal hummus (Fresh market brand) topped with a simple sautee of onions, red peppers and spinach season with a bit of garlic powder and salt and pepper. I also added the spinach right at the end because I didn't number 1 want to cook out the nutrients too much and number 2 have it be super soggy so I cooked it till it just wilted a bit. I like fresh spinach. With it I made a side of cous cous (roasted garlic flavor from the box) which I had never had or made before and was super easy and surprisingly yummy! I tore up this lunch! I mean it turned out better than I thought and when I was done I kept thinking wow it didn't even have meat!

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